11 Top Off-Page Optimization Techniques For Better Ranking

What is Off-page Seo Optimization Technique?

Off-page Seo Optimization which means an activity that is doing outside of the website, Which helps to improve website ranking. In Off page SEO we are promoting our website in other highly relevant websites to acquire good backlinks and for the popularity of the brand. This is one of the main pillars to get rank on SERPs.
 which means an activity that is doing outside of the website 11 Top Off-page Optimization Techniques for Better Ranking

Benefits of Off-page Optimization

 which means an activity that is doing outside of the website 11 Top Off-page Optimization Techniques for Better Ranking

  • When your website well known in other popular websites that is an asset. In that way will gain more traffic and popularity.
  • Off-page seo will help to expose more about your brand. When the audience will continuously notice your website gradually the traffic will increase.
  • The output from off-page technique will take time but the results are long term.

Three common Offpage optimization Techniques

There are mainly three familiar Offpage optimization techniques:

●    Link Building
●    Social Bookmarking
●    Social Media

Link Building Activities:

 which means an activity that is doing outside of the website 11 Top Off-page Optimization Techniques for Better Ranking

Link building refers to, external links from other websites connected to a page of your website. “Focus on quality, not quantity”. In the case of link building number of links are not important, quality of natural links are important, this is one of the golden rules kept in your mind. Whether you are trying to build low quality links its will goes to Blackhat SEO or create some spam. Then finally google would not give much more value to your website.

Social Bookmarking Submission:

Social Bookmarking is one of the effective off page technique in SEO, Here you can share and save your important links in an online bookmarking website. Nowadays social bookmarking is work as a backbone in SEO. It has a vital part to create good backlinks and making awareness for your brands. Don't try to create a bad impression on bookmarking sites. Share quality content what people exactly looking for.

Read more about: How to get more traffic from Social bookmarking websites

Importance of Social Media in Seo:

Social media has a vital part in seo and digital marketing strategy. 90% of people now become a habit looking in social media.  Through social media can give more awareness of your merk and gain more backlinks, Which will help in search rankings. If you share your great Content, Infographics or attractive video via social media platform you will gain more impacts from the audience.

Directory Submission in Seo:

Nowadays every person asking a question”Directory submission still important in SEO?” In old days Directory submission is one of the useful technique in off page SEO. But after the Penguin algorithm update, directories are didn't noticed well in SEO. I am not completely avoiding but comparing to other techniques which are less priority because it will take some time to get a result from this. If get indexed in a directory that is a huge benefit. Because backlinks are essential for a website.

Forum Submission in Seo:

Forum submission is also played a mendasar role in off page techniques. In lembaga submission, you can connect and share information with same interested members. Here you can discuss a particular topic, What are the problems are facing and solutions etc. Through Forum submission can create genuine backlinks.

Article submission in Seo:

 which means an activity that is doing outside of the website 11 Top Off-page Optimization Techniques for Better Ranking

Article submission is referred to creating good content and that share or adding to other popular websites. Sometimes approval of your content is very difficult to gain because the low-quality article will not accept. Writing too much of content with low quality will make a bad impression. So create a fresh article with presentable and unique. Don't follow keyword stuffing while creating an article. Through article submission can get genuine more audience.

Question and Answer:

Question and answer are one of the best off-page technique. Sign up with high PR websites and join to discussions. Here you can post like a question and can give solutions to related your topic. This is one of the best platforms to gain more visitors and share your knowledge.

Video submission:

 which means an activity that is doing outside of the website 11 Top Off-page Optimization Techniques for Better Ranking

Reading always content from a website is very boring one. Normally the audience is expecting good fresh content, stunning images and videos. Create best quality videos, which means you have to convey the right information to the audience. In that way, we can hold more visitors and will acquire merk popularity.

Image submission:

Image sharing is one of the ideal methods to earn more backlinks. Create stunning posters related your topic and do share all over image submission websites.

Infographics submission:

 which means an activity that is doing outside of the website 11 Top Off-page Optimization Techniques for Better Ranking

Infographics which means the overall content explained via graphics, images, and shapes. By the infographics, the audience can understand what exactly explains in content. And more than that people will interest more when implementing some graphical images. One thing has to remember, Don't give large content and confused images while creating infographics. The users will not impress.

Document Sharing:

Why would you think your content in a downloadable format? Document sharing mainly used for sharing your content as well as in downloadable formats(pdf, word, ppt or in any other formats). In online, there is numerous high page rank document sharing websites. Share your innovative ideas and get more high-quality backlinks.


Off page technique is not only creating for plenty of backlinks. It's all about making trust,  authority and giving awareness. Predominantly off page seo an easy task but should have to follow the proper strategy and rules. Focus on to create number of quality backlinks or else it will bounce back to you.

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